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Welsh Boat Fishing Records


Angler and Location Year Species
Bass 14 14 J Wolfe, Bury Estuary 1984 Dicentrarchus Labrax
Bream (Black) 5 6 R Cable, Langland Bay 1986 Spondyliosom Cantharus
Bream (Red) 1 4 K Froggett, Amlwch 1981 Pagellus Bogaraveo
Bull Huss 20 8 M Clewer, Aberystwyth 1984 Scyliorhinus Stellaris
Coalfish 17 8 S Watson, Amllwch 1982 Pollachius Virens
Cod 44 11 G Pell, Amlwch 1981 Gadus Morhua
Conger 60 14 J Booth, Milford Haven 1985 Conger Conger
Dogfish (Lesser Spotted) 3 13 L Leyland, Mumbles 1987 Scyliorhinus Canicula
Flounder 3 9 F Featherstone, Beaumaris 1986 Pleuronectes Flesus
Garfish 2 6 A Kaczor, Great. Orme 1976 Belone Belone
Gurnard (Grey) 1 12 P Bailey, Milford Haven 1976 Eutrigla Gurnardus
Gurnard (Tub) 9 1 R Morley, Aberystwyth 1984 Aspitrigla Cuculus
Haddock 2 3 N Bevan 1996 Melanogrammus Aeglefinus
Hake 14 7 I Little, Milford Haven   Merluccius Merluccius
Ling 31 7 J Peate, Amlwch 1980 Molva Molva
Mackerel 2 8 T Burgon, Conwy 2002 Scomber Scombrus
Monkfish 59 6 A Griffiths Porthcawl 1978 Squatina Squatina
Mullet (Golden Grey) 1 0 R Hopkins Llanelli 1973 Liza Aurata
Mullet (Red) 1 7 P Robinson, Langland 1993 Mullus Surmuletus
Mullet (Thick-lipped Grey) 6 3 T Richards 1996 Chelon Labrosus
Mullet (Thin-lipped Grey)         Liza Ramada
Plaice 5 11 M Guy, Oxwich Bay 1986 Pleuronectes Platessa
Pollack 22 0 J Doyle, Cardigan Bay 1991 Pollachius Pollachius
Pouting 4 1 K Scaflehorn, Swansea Bay 1987 Trisopterus Luscus
Ray (Blonde) 31 0 P Gunning, Amlwch 1981 Raja Brachyura
Ray (Cuckoo) 5 10 R Owen, Caernarfon 1977 Raja Naevus
Ray (Electric) 34 0 M Mathews, Anglesey 1986 Torpedo Nobiliana
Ray (Small-eyed) 15 2 K Bowring, Nash Sands 1984 Raja Microocellata
Ray (Spotted) 6 11 P Brackin, Nash Point 1987 Raja Montagui
Ray (Sting) 68 4 K Rawlinson, Aberdovey 1993 Dasyatis Pastinaca
Ray (Thornback) 31 7 J Wright, Rhyl 1981 Raja Clavata
Rockling (3-bearded) 2 8 J Boles, Aberystwyth 1969 Gaidropsarus Vulgaris
Shark (Blue) 214 0 R Webb, Milford 2005 Prionace Glauca
Shark (Porbeagle) 296 0 D Rafill, Porthcawl 1996 Lamna Nasus
Smoothhound 22 5 M Evans , Holyhead 2006 Mustelus Mustelus
Spurdog 18 1 D Brierley, Holyhead 2007 Squalus Acanthias
Starry Smoothhound 26 0 B Taylor , Holyhead 2007 Mustelus Asterias
Sunfish 108 0 T Sissons. Saundersfoot 1976 Mola Mola
Tope 79   A Meli, Holyhead 2005 Gaeorhinus Galeus
Trigger Fish 5 8 P Robinson, Langland 1996 Balistes Capriscus
Turbot 24 4 B Neave, SWANSEA 1981 Scophthalmus Maximus
Whiting 4 6 W Price, Swansea 1975 Merlangius Merlangus
Wrasse (Ballan) 4 13 G Hughes, Oxwich Bay 1978 Labrus Bergylta
Wrasse (Cuckoo) 1 8 C Jenkins, St Annes Head, Milford 1987 Labrus Mixtus

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