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Spotted Ray fishing in the Bristol Channel (Raja montagui)

Spotted Rays live in deep water preferring depths over 50ft and mainly found in water over 100ft over sandy and rough grounds and are only seen in shallow waters during spawning.

The upper body is is usually dark yellow to brown with numerous small dark brown spots that don't extend to the edge of the wings.

The Spotted Ray is similar in size and shape to the Thornback Ray but the Thornback has the characteristic large spines with button-like bases scattered over its back.

Spotted Rays take nine years to reach maturity and grow to 30in(75cm) in length. An adult female lays about sixty eggs a year, each mermaids purse egg may take 3 to 15 months to hatch.

Welsh Spotted Ray RecordThe Welsh record 6lb 11oz, caught at Nash Point in 1987 by P Brackin.
British Spotted Ray RecordThe UK Record is 8lb 03oz G Brownlie Burrow Head, I of Whithorn 1989
Spotted Ray Fishing SeasonMarch to December

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Spotted Ray
Spotted Ray

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